
Don’t start building your new sewer or making changes to your old one without getting the right data first. Tesoli services provide accurate 3D LiDAR scanning in Canada and another 3D laser scanning to make sure that you are executing your sewer projects with pinpoint accuracy.

A person typing on computer and working on desk

Accurate Reports

Tesoli Services provides accurate reports and deliverables to ensure that your project is completed to your satisfaction. With the use of 3D LiDAR scanning in Canada, we can formulate deliverables to make the best construction plan possible for you and your team.

A pipe in the ground

Eliminate Destructive Tests

If you want to make changes to your sewer line or apply a concrete liner and would like to know if the liner has the minimum design thickness at each location of the pipe? Well, with our 3D scanning technology, we can create reports and data that eliminate the need to perform destructive and expensive tests to get this information.


LiDAR Data Interpretation

If you are working on a sewer project and have already collected 3D LiDAR data, you may not know what to do with it. Our experts can help you compile this data to create digestible reports for you and your team.



If you're looking to redesign or rehabilitate an existing sewer, it's important to have accurate information about the structure's physical features such as pipe diameter, slope, protrusions, turns, curves, and potential structural issues at different locations along its length. This data is crucial for making informed decisions. Our 3D LiDAR scanning technology and scanning tools provide precise measurements that can be used to make data-driven decisions, rather than relying solely on visual information from images and videos.

Need More Details? Contact Us

If you are building or updating a sewer, it is important to understand the project first. Trust the experts at Tesoli Services to use 3D LiDAR scanning to craft accurate data reports to make your job go smoothly. Eliminate destructive tests and create a better environment for you and your workers. Contact us today and get a quote.

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